Hi everyone….Thank you so much for following this blog. I recently fell off the blog bandwagon and I want to apologize and say I simply got overwhelmed. I tend to do that. I get overwhelmed and then just stop things entirely. I think it’s a subtle form of self sabotage on some level. On the other hand I was also doing some serious self healing work and taking a break from being on the computer so very much. I don’t feel as energetically balanced when I have been on the computer in large doses so I let myself take a break and just enjoy the summer.
But now the inspiration is back, I have tektite rocks and argone and crystals all around my computer to help balance the energy. I will post about how those things work amazingly well to balance the magnetic frequencies in another post. Right now I am waiting for a special argone piece for my cell phone….the new Iphone I am about to purchase–YAY! Cell phones are another thing that makes my energy wacky. But the good news is there are special rocks and gems and crystals that can help and I have a friend who makes the most amazingly beautiful and useful gadgets for everything you can think of. More to come on that…just planting seeds for future posts!
I am coming back to this blogging with a more personal touch and I want to share more of my personal journey with you all, as this is the writing that inspires me and I think I have a lot going on in my life that you all would be interested in. Sensual Tantric Healing is a path I am living daily in NYC. Sometimes successfully, sometimes not so successfully, but overall, I feel at this time on the planet, most of us are getting a little ass kicking and are being forced to step up and do what we came here to do. Recently I am finding that I DO KNOW! I don’t have to trick myself into thinking, I am confused. I am not. I am here to help share conscious sexuality, sensuality and the path of healing and transformation thru these pathways…for the good of all. I am here to help the balancing of the male and female principles on this planet and help support the woman to shine and step into her real power that is as soft as it is fierce.
Recently in my practice of Sensual Tantric Healing I have started to work with a Taoist master to bring more of the beauty of the taoist wisdom into my work with men, women and couples. Mantak Chia, the leading teacher of Taoism is a such a gem of a master and his books are profound. I find this chinese system really understands how to systematize the cultivation of sexual energy for healing, joy and expansion in such a clear and poetic way. So I am diving in. Most importantly it starts with your own practice. This week I am beginning to learn Ovarian breathing and the 5 Healing Sounds, which I am told are the foundation for this work.
Here is a quote from Taoist Secrets of Love Cultivating Male Sexual Energy by Mantak Chia:
“The Tao teaches there is infinite pleasure and limitless potential with every human being. The addiction to sex as emotional food can gradually be changed from within the male body through chi cultivation. One grows to appreciate this fact with the retention of the seminal fluid and its transformation into the higher center of the heart. One experiences the fullness of life long after the love-making has ceased, and a delicacy that more easily moves beyond temporary sensory stimulation, to a continuous connection of feelings with the lover. The man who diligently studies the Tao learns that the source of all emotions as well as the source of a woman’s allure is also within himself.”
“The man who cultivates his subtle energy eventually experiences in his body the fact that all living beings are part of one life. He and his lover flow into each other. He knows that across the web of consciousness one living thing constantly nourishes another. In becoming highly aware of the interconnection between all creatures, he strengthens his tendency to be unselfish. He may suddenly find himself asking: why pour negative thoughts into the single stream from which all must drink?” -Mantak Chia
I LOVE these two qoutes….it brings sexuality to a whole new cosmic level where it should be….this is what I want to offer to people. This is what I want to learn to cultivate more of in my own life. Recently I have been attracting more clients that are seeking ejaculation retention or are already at that level and I have also introduced a couple of newbies to this practice, with smashing feedback. They have reported increased energy, more aliveness and more appreciation for life…when at first they felt they were getting cheated of a “full experience” they later said they had never felt so amazing….
More to come…..the next post will be about women and sexual energy cultivation according to the Tao. Please feel free to leave comments!
Or to order Taoist Secrets of Love: Cultivating Male Sexual Energy by Mantak Chia click the image.
Sensual Tantric Healing | Website by @hellococreator
welcome back. Always take time out for healing and growth and sometimes, just for silence in which creativity blooms. Looking forward to following along as you share your truths and your journey with us.
Thanks for the reminder and the support!