Become the lover you were meant to be

S*xual wellness for the ambitious and soulful Man.

Inspiring your ability to be the best lover you can be thru sacred sex coaching, tantric lifestyle coaching, breathwork and tantric embodiment practices and the somatic arts.
Become the Lover you were meant to Be.

,Aylen was raised on the west coast and then traveled east for her education in NYC. It was while in NYC studying theatre and dance that she met her first tantric teacher and made her way to Costa Rica to begin her studies in meditation, breathwork, deep self-inquiry and embodiment practices. Soon she began traveling to meet with many high quality tantra teachers around the world, as well as shamans and meditative dance teachers. She started her bodywork practice in NYC  and birthed Sensual Tantric Healing as a somatic tantric art, the combined breathwork, touch, meditation, and tantric embodiment practice.

Over the years she completed studies in Layla Martin's Sex, Love and Relationship Coaching, Somatic Sex Education, Clarity Breathwork, Psychology at NYU, Tantra Massage with Sarita and Charles Muir trauma healing and yoga and continued her own practices of the 5 Rhythms, meditation, plant medicine work and somatic therapies.

Now she offers coaching to Men combining co-active coaching, sex coaching, breathwork and tantric embodiment practices and somatic connection. She works intuitively to create a personalized plan to meet your unique goals and desires that fit your lifestyle. Known for her deep compassion and ability to hold space for a wide range of sexual desires, challenges, and fantasies, her intention is to create the safest space for you to meet all parts of you and integrate them into the best Lover you can be. Whether it's lasting longer, connecting deeper with desire, getting clearer on your sexual goals or being better at intimacy and vulnerability, Aylen is able to meet you exactly where you are at in many scenarios and offers simple yet profound practices, support and a coaching plan to take you to the next level in your lover ability. While her practice is limited to sacred sex coaching and tantric coaching, she sees again and again how working on sexuality often leads to breaththroughs in all aspects of your life, professional, spiritual, practical, and more. Becoming the Lover you were meant to be, often touches on all aspects of your life and creates deep personal change.

She is passionate about embodiment work, dance, writing, music and the arts and splits her time between Brooklyn and Nosara, Cost Rica where she thrives in community, nature and deep inquiry into reaching our highest potential as human beings. You can find her on a dance floor near the speaker on most weekend nights and she holds dance as the most sacred tantric practice a person can experience. Her coaching is deeply embodied, humorous and fun. She listens to all of you, and listens to her own deep intuition to find the clearest unfolding of your hearts deepest yearning.  

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About Aylen


“Thank you so much for such a great experience. I am walking taller and can’t believe how much the breath helped me to relax. I haven’t slept this deep in 30 years! You have such a magical touch and way about you and I am glad that I found you. Can’t wait for the next time. Take care and thank you. “

– Andrew T. Doctor

"I haven’t slept this deep in 30 years! You have such a magical touch "

“Thank you so much for that session. I feel like I got to new experiences in my body, I did not know I could have. I realized I had been carrying so much around within me and it was so nice to have a safe space to share and let it out. I am just beginning but I hope it can continue. It feels like there is so much more to explore and open to. Thank you again.”

– Jana R. Mother

"I feel like I got to new experiences in my body, I did not know I could have. "

Every women would benefit in having the opportunity to experience the beautiful sacred work of Sagarra. Her knowledge about breathwork, energy, female sexuality and our bodies help to create a unique magical potion for immense physical, emotional and spiritual connection and healing within oneself. She is a joy to work with, full of compassion and intuition and knows how to truly hold the space for healing. 
I’m blessed to have found another light worker able to channel into this massive amount of Goddess energy pouring into our planet and who uses her gifts for the betterment of her sisters.

– Jennifer Zulli (Aurélia)

"She is a joy to work with, full of compassion and intuition and knows how to truly hold the space for healing"


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S*xual wellness for the ambitious and soulful Man.

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