I just started reading a fabulous new book, called Womb Wisdom. Womb Wisdom, Awakening the Creative and Forgotten Powers of the Feminine, by Padma and Anaiya Aon Prakasha came out in 2011 but this wisdom is ages old and significantly needed in our culture today.
They write” The Womb is not just a place to give birth to a baby, it is a place and state of being that births us, that births new realities, that holds a power for deep transformation for ourselves and for others with who we come into contact. The womb is a woman’s feminine core, the generator of tremendous creative potential, vitality, boundless well-being, sensual power, and manifestation. It not only births children but also the fullness of feminine spiritual potential, personal healing, and the depths of relating for which we all yearn….
The deepest most ancient secrets of life lie within the womb of every woman. The womb is the holiest temple in your body, the most energy-filled place in your body, the place from where your inner voice, deepest guidance and clarity, stillness, creative expression and power arise. It is your primordial voice and connector into the web of life, the web of interdependence that connects all living beings to each other.”–Taken from the book:Womb Wisdom by Padma and Anaiya Aon Prakasha
The healing of our wombs as women is connected to not only our personal journeys as women but is connected to the entire human collective experience. A woman who heals her womb also helps the men in her life have more authentic experiences of the divine feminine, so that they too can heal their wounds and distrust of women. “By women living from their center of power, joy, and life-nurturing capacities, and in supporting this, both [men and women] become deeply nourished through this deepening and opening within themselves.”-Womb Wisdom. When we heal our wombs we are able to have deeper relationships and offer more of our true heart to the people and projects in our lives and thus offer a clearer stream of divine feminine energy which in and of itself is a healing beyond all healings for everyone and everything that gets touched by it. Everyone loves a beautiful woman, not just outwardly, the beauty that is radiant and shining, the kind of beauty that opens people’s souls and hearts, the kind of beauty that heals from the inside out…the Mother manifested in human form. By women returning to the power of their wombs, a great vortex of energy enters our world and transforms everyone and everything. Creation is activated.
I will be talking more about this book and sharing more of its teachings on this amazing topic….but I would love to hear from some of you ladies about your own experience with your wombs? Have you been feeling like something is missing and you can’t quite put your finger on it? Do you feel fulfilled in all aspects of your life, creatively? Sexually? Cosmically? Please leave a comment about what this article brought up for you.
This book was published by
Sensual Tantric Healing | Website by @hellococreator
The womb gives birth to all things!! I have 3 beautiful girls that I bore from my womb for which I am so grateful but since then fear got the better of me and I terminated two subsequent pregnancies and then within the space of 4 years developed severe dysplasia on my cervix. My womb is a place of dark foreboding, fear of unwanted pregnancy and stagnancy. No wonder I am stuck creatively, emotionally and spiritually. How can I heal my womb?
Order this book and start doing the exercises…it has helped me so much. Also, look in your area for some sort of healer that perhaps does this kind of work… in nature and ask for guidance…it will come. Let me know how it goes…Sending you prayers and good wishes lovely woman.
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