“When we sit without a demand on this moment, without waiting for the next moment, without waiting to get it– whatever “it”is–when are not waiting to get enlightened or to […]
“To think that enlightenment only comes through wonderful experiences is to delude yourself. Yes, there are those cases when someone has a spontaneous awakening, and he or she doesn’t have […]
“The Divine itself is life in motion. The divine is using the situations of our lives to accomplish its own awakening, and many times it takes the difficult situations to […]
To qoute Adyashanti: THERE YOU GO AGAIN Ever since I stepped out of imagination and into the heart of things I have become so much less spiritual. Heaven, hell and […]
Sometimes I touch your face.
Knowing that it is God.
The light in your eyes
a soft and shining benediction.
People think of you in various ways
but I know who you are.